Our Work
Vaisala has two major products in lightning detection: National Lightning Detection Network (NLDN), which measures and distinguishes between in-cloud and cloud-to-ground lightning flashes in the United States, and Global Lightning Dataset (GLD360), which provides real-time lightning data worldwide.
To accomplish the end goal, we tapped Vaisala’s resources for lightning data to pitch reporters on a regular basis throughout lightning season. We assigned certain lightning topics to each month over a five-month period. Vaisala’s experts not only compiled the data we used to pitch, but they also offered interview availability to provide context.
The Results
Comprise achieved amazing results with the help of Vaisala’s reliable data. Reporters appreciated the metrics that they could incorporate into a story. Writers published articles about lightning within national parks, international lightning activity and hyperlocal lightning activity.
After we began pitching a few topics, media outlets started to understand the scope of the data to which Vaisala had access. Soon, we had reporters reaching out directly to us for data to provide context on specific lightning events in their area or other coverage they were planning. Now, Vaisala is regularly used as a lightning data resource for top-tier media outlets like The Washington Post, The New York Times and The Weather Channel.
The media relationships that grew from this initial lightning awareness campaign are the gifts that keep on giving. Comprise is a consistent partner supporting our media relations goals in all aspects of our weather division.
— Amy Eggen, VP Global Marketing & Communications
“Thanks so much for all the great work this year! You guys smashed it out of the park”