Wrap & Send

Luxury Packing and Shipping Services


Comprise was tapped by Wrap & Send Services, a trusted, in-store expert packing and shipping solution for luxury and boutique retailers, to elevate the retail industry veteran’s branding, online presence and content creation efforts. Experienced in working with national luxury retailers like Saks Fifth Avenue, Une Belle Vie, Bloomingdale’s, American Girl and more, Wrap & Send leveraged Comprise’s website design and development, content development, and creative expertise in an effort to expand its packing and shipping business to even more luxury and boutique retailers nationwide.

man in suit with wrap and send logo overlaid on image

Our Work

Our creative team updated the Wrap & Send branding and website and worked with the content development team to implement a content creation strategy for the expert luxury retail packing and shipping solution provider’s blog. We started by redesigning the logo and providing a variety of assets (email signatures, a presentation template, a pocket folder design, business cards and stationery). We then designed and developed a stunning new website with user experience in mind. To drive more traffic to the website, we pursued a content creation strategy that consisted of developing copy for the blog based on studies and trends in the retail shipping and packaging space.

wrap and send logo before redesign BEFORE
wrap and send re designed logo AFTER
wrap and send website and print design mockup

The Results

When the site initially launched, it saw just under 2,000 monthly visitors. After launching the updated, rebranded website, our client experienced a significant uptick in monthly visitors, with an average increase of 6% in website visitors year over year. Continuing to expand its reach in the luxury retail shipping and packaging industry, Wrap & Send now has 120 employees and 30 locations in 24 states.

Increase year over year
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