One thing we strive to do for every client at Metzger is make them part of larger stories whenever possible. Media outlets — both traditional and new — are always on the lookout for new business and social trends. We’re fortunate to work with clients that are true leaders in their fields, so our task is to look for appropriate stories to showcase that knowledge.
A rising topic among reporters and bloggers covering technology and digital security is the “bring your own device” trend, also known as BYOD. An ever-increasing number of employees in companies of all sizes access company data — emails, shared servers, etc. — via devices not owned or managed by the company. Sometimes this is a traditional computer, but in many cases, it’s a smartphone or tablet — something easily lost or stolen. Our research showed that it was a hot topic, but no one was quantifying the size of the problem.
Seeing this, we suggested that our client Coalfire (one of the nation’s leading IT governance, risk and compliance companies) conduct a survey to determine the size and scope of the problem and develop a complete communication plan to publicize the finding. The survey results — which came from 400 non-IT business managers from across the country — gave us the data to write this relevant headline:
BYOD Survey: 47 Percent of Users Lack a Password on Smartphones Accessing Company Files
When we saw the data, we thought it might command some attention from members of the media, and we were right. Reporters starting making interview requests with Coalfire executives just minutes after the news release hit the wire.
In addition, we worked with Coalfire to develop a white paper for a more in-depth examination of the survey data. Coalfire placed the white paper on their website and requested contact information in exchange for a free download.
The final piece of the communication plan was an infographic designed to appeal to a different and possibly wider audience than a lengthy, technical white paper.
Establishing Thought Leadership
Coalfire received — and continues to receive, even weeks later — positive coverage from this program. Media outlets including VentureBeat, Cult of Mac,, Business News Daily, TechRockies, Government Health IT, EHR Intelligence, HealthTech Zone and ColoradoBiz covered the story and many included the infographic, which is easy for readers to share on social media sites.