Let The Hunt Begin

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The Results Are In

As you can see, Metzger Associates has officially launched our new website, so we decided to kick things off with a good ol’ fashioned Easter egg hunt.

The contest is now officially closed and the results are in. The winner of the FREE exhaustive keyword analysis for a small- to medium-size website is….


Congratulations Pablo, you were the first person to figure out our “NSFW tagline!”

Pablo’s winning message to us was:

In response to the Metzger Easter egg hunt, I believe that perhaps the answer is ‘http://metzgerkicksass.com’ – I found it by first searching for ‘metzger + slogan’ which led to the the Facebook page, and then I pieced it together from the ‘unofficial slogan.’ Hope I’m right! Cheers, Pablo.

We think it’s pretty righteous that Pablo found the slogan through a clever Google search, which led him to a hint buried on another one of our web properties, so he gets an official shout-out from Leo.

Thanks to everyone who participated in our contest! Here is a review of what the contest involved:

Here’s what you had to do:

  • Be the first person to find the secret URL that leads to our new website and tell us what it is and how you found it via our contact form on the site
  • The hint: “Our NSFW tagline”
  • The answer: metzgerkicksass.com

Here’s what Pablo Warhola won:

  • A FREE exhaustive keyword analysis for a small- to medium-size website (under 25 pages), which will get Pablos 18 of the best keywords for him to optimize on his website ($1,500 value)


Photo by Kati Molin/Shutterstock.com

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