You’ve got a blog. You’re getting into article marketing (or thinking you might like to). Your brand is knee-deep in social networking.
The logical next question is… what’s next?
Metzger Associates is teaming up with Erika Napoletano to change not just the way you think about content marketing — we’re going to change the tools you have in your toolbox to get it done.
On Friday, November 30, you’re invited to end your work week with an exclusive one-hour workshop at Metzger Associates. After the workshop, you’re invited to join us for happy hour as we usher in the weekend. Learn and then lubricate your mind with great folks and new knowledge. Here’s what you can expect at the end of the hour (pre-lubrication):
- Beyond the Usual Suspects: Twitter and Facebook are grand. Pinterest is cool. But you could be developing a loyal following for your brand’s thought leaders with a few simple strategies.
- Knowing Your Goals: Content marketing is nothing to approach all willy-nilly. We’ll review premier (and diverse) brands in the marketplace to demonstrate varying goals and the strategies employed that you can begin using immediately.
- Redefining Content Marketing: We know. You have a blog. But believe us when we say that there’s more. You’ll learn six new content marketing techniques to elevate your current strategies and develop niche campaigns to bring your target audience closer to your brand.
The bottom line of any content marketing strategy is to consistently delight your target audience. We hope you’ll join us for an hour so we can delight you — so you can then delight the people who demand nothing but your best: your audience.
When: Friday, November 30
3 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. – Content Marketing Workshop
4:30-5:30 – Cocktail reception
Where: Metzger Associates Office, 5733 Central Ave., Boulder
Erika Napoletano holds no fancy titles and is an expert at nothing except screwing up royally and learning from her mistakes. As the person behind the RedheadWriting online persona, she’s been hailed by Forbes as a “spinless spin doctor” for her BS-free perspectives on business, marketing, branding, and life in general. In addition to creating RedheadWriting , she is a a twice-published author, including The Power of Unpopular (Wiley 2012), a columnist for Entrepreneur Magazine, recent speaker at TEDx Boulder, and speaks at conferences across the U.S. on the inherent power of truth in business… or as she refers to it, the power of unpopularity. She lives in Boulder, Colorado, and is the Head Redhead at RHW Media, a branding consulting firm that helps businesses get UNstuck and over those annoying problems that keep them from being awesome. Learn more about her at