collage of icons and graphics representing media monitoring

The Best PR Vendor Services for Business in 2020 Part 1: Media Monitoring

With options ranging from free online options to enterprise-level managed services, media monitoring solutions can be as basic or as advanced as you need. Today’s media monitoring is technologically advanced — machine learning tools, sophisticated algorithms and powerful processors are used to track, organize and bring mentions together from across the entire media landscape. But with numerous options out there claiming to be the best and most comprehensive, it can be difficult to figure out where to begin.

How Does PR Impact SEO? You’re Asking the Wrong Question.

This year, I attended my eighth (!!!) MozCon in Seattle. On the way to the convention center from the airport, my Lyft driver asked what brought me to town, and I told him I was attending one of the world’s largest and best conferences on search engine optimization. There was a thoughtful pause before he asked me, “how do you optimize search engines?”

Putting out fires

A Brief Look Back at the PR Blunders of of 2018

Mistakes happen all of the time. And in the world of public relations, the ever-evolving digital media landscape magnifies errors made by companies across industry sectors. From misguided campaigns and jokes made in poor taste to downright incompetence, PR fails can significantly damage any company’s reputation, and the ensuing public outrage can impact your organization’s…